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Support LCA

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  • Pray – Pray that God would use our students, teachers, and community to make an impact for Jesus Christ.

  • Sponsor a Student – Contribute a financial gift to support our student scholarship program in the form of annual, monthly or one-time donations.  Consider also planned giving like bequests, gifts of real estate, or appreciated securities.

  • Volunteer – Help out in the classroom, on the yard, or during our yearly events, fundraisers or trips.  Whatever your talent or interest, we can use you.

  • Host an International Student – The LCA enrolls a number of international students each year.  If you have room to host a student for the school year, give us a call.

  • Refer Others – Refer LCA to your friends, philanthropic individuals, family foundations or organizations.




Top 10 Reasons to Give to LCA


10.  It’s tax deductible. The LCA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, so there are practical benefits come April 15th.  A bit mercenary but that’s why this is number 10. All gifts are tax deductible. EIN #: 94.2544642

9.  We’re flexible. You can give a one-time donation, or break it up over the 12 months of the school year.  We also accept planned gifts like bequests, gifts of real estate, and appreciated securities.  Gifts of any amount are appreciated.

8.  We’re local. You know where your money is going.  You can drop in any time to see how your gift is improving our school, community and giving youth in your neighborhood a vision for their lives.

7.  Bang for your buck. As a small independent school the LCA is free of bureaucratic overhead.  Your money goes to the students, and you’d be surprised how far we can make it go.

6.  It gives access. The LCA’s mission calls for never turning a family away for financial reasons.  A thriving annual fund to cover scholarships allows us to reach all those who desire to attend our school regardless of their socio-economic status.

5.  Value & Accountability. All LCA families pay some level of tuition as a means assigning value to their education.  They are giving every dollar and cent they can afford as well as earning their award through community service.  Scholarship students sign a contract pledging to keep up grades and behavior.  Your monetary gift is being met by the sweat, talents and commitment of scholarship students and their families.

4.  It’s only money. Psychology, history, and most importantly the Bible all agree – the one with the most at the end doesn’t win.  It’s they who give the most away.

3.  It brings us together. Our financial need is heaven sent.  God doesn’t want us to make it alone.  He wants to build a family and community that works together, bears one another’s burdens, and forms life-long partnerships to raise our kids.

2.  It might be just the beginning. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  Your gift will help our students, but it might just change your life as well.  We’re a school family that wants the whole community involved in shaping the lives of our students.  Your gifts and talents are just as valuable as the money you give.

1.  The real impact. Please watch this graduation speech by one of our 2010-11 seniors.  You’ll hear what a donor meant to this young man.  You want to give.  You want your money to make a difference.  At the LCA your gift goes directly toward changing lives, nothing more, nothing less.

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