Academic Schedule
Academic Schedule
Academic Schedule
Individualized Study
Individualized Study

Going outside the four walls of the school can be the best learning experience and person can have. The LCA’s outreach and travel programs provide the opportunity to take classroom knowledge and make it experiential and practical. As love is ultimately about others, these occasions allow students to build strong relationships with their teachers and classmates. Students are able to place their education in real life context, gaining understand of their roles in and responsibilities for the larger community and world. Events organized by the Lighthouse Christian Academy include, but are not limited to, local outreaches, international medical outreach and evangelism, Bible conferences, men’s and women’s retreats; ski and snow trips, rafting and camping excursions, sporting events, and historical discovery tours. These excursions are an integral part of the Academy’s curriculum. Most trips are not covered by the cost of tuition, but fundraising opportunities are available. Contact us for more information.
Bible Conference
The LCA is under the umbrella of the Lighthouse Church, which is affiliated with Christian Fellowship Ministries (CFM) based out of Prescott, Arizona. It is CFM that provides a powerful impetus for LCA’s world vision of making disciples, church planting, and evangelism.
A powerful component of this relationship are the CFM’s Bible conferences in the winter and summer each year. LCA staff and students are encouraged to attend these conferences as an opportunity to be spiritually challenged and get a vision of the larger movement of which they are a part. Attendance at one of these conferences is often a culminating component of some of our Bible classes.

River Rafting
Biyearly the LCA takes students on a white water river rafting expedition and camping trip in the stunning Sierra Nevada mountains. Trips typically include 2 days of white water rafting with a certified river company and 1-2 days of camping and exploring one of California’s national parks.
During the trip students sleep in tents, cook out-of-doors, and enjoy a break from the pell mell life of city living. Highlights include hiking, swimming, volleyball, frisbee, board games, and classic s'mores around the campfire. Evening devotionals also compliment the time of fun and fellowship with the opportunity for spiritual growth.

Africa Medical Mission
The vision of Lighthouse Medical Missions is to bring the love of God to the sick and dying in the poorer nations of the world.Teams consist of volunteers who freely give of their time and finances to reach the forgotten and neglected with the truth of the Gospel through medicine.
For over a decade LCA students have been ministering medically and spiritually to the peoples of West Africa via Lighthouse Medical Missions Teams. Trips in the fall and the spring are lead by Dr. Bob Hamilton of Pacific Ocean Pediatrics, who has a heart for Africa and our youth. Dr. Bob is also the proud parent of several LCA alumni.

Utah Ski Trip
The Utah Ski Trip is a week-long excursion in which students, teachers, and alumni drive to to the heart of the Rocky Mountains for some skiing, snowboarding and fellowship with our affiliate Lighthouse church in Salt Lake City, Utah. Typically mornings are spent on the slopes in some of the premier snow in the world either skiing, snowboarding, or tubing. Revival services are held each evening at our pioneer church. Highlights include snowball fights, bowling, ice skating, and fun nights dining out.
The trip is a powerful time for students to get to know each other and their teachers and to build relationships with their fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ in Utah.

East Coast Historical Tour
The East Coast Historical Tour is a two-week trip open to 11th and 12th graders every other year in the Spring. The tour typically covers seven states and includes visits to Washington D.C., Mount Vernon, Gettysburg, Philadelphia, Hartford, Boston, Plymouth, and New York City. Students, teachers, and parents are able to explore first-hand the historical and spiritual roots of the United States. Students can walk the humble and peaceful fields of George Washington’s home, consider the battlefield of Gettysburg, and stand at the crossroads of Church Street and Liberty Avenue, where the World Trade Center Towers fell.

Guatemala Outreach
The LCA frequently makes outreach trips to Guatemala in the late fall. Students, teachers, and parents have opportunity to worship, fellowship, and assist members of the La Puerta church and school in Guatemala City.
The Guatemalan church and school was founded in by Lighthouse members, Mike and Dianna Ashcraft and their three children in 1993. The trip is open to all students and involves daily activities and excursions in and out of the city and evening revival services. In the past the trip has also served as a training camp for the LCA soccer team. Highlights include soccer, soccer, and more soccer, but also an outing to Antigua and some of the best cuisine in the world.