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Themes in Literature | World Literature | U.S. Literature | English Literature


Our first and foremost goal in literature is to teach students how to think. This includes how to analyze literature and discover the underlying truth of God’s Word as it has either been applied or ignored. We focus our study on the classics to better understand human nature and recognize the principles that allow a classic to last over the years and remain applicable to each new generation. Through this process, students become strong writers and develop a love of reading. Students also become proficient at writing research papers, which develops the skill of forming an argument by supporting their thesis with evidence. The standard four-year literature plan includes Themes in Literature in 9th grade, World Literature in 10th grade, U.S. Literature in 11th grade, and English Literature in 12th grade.



Algebra 1 | Algebra 2 | Geometry | Pre-Calculus | Calculus


Our primary goals are to prepare students for college level mathematics courses and placement tests, developing in students the confidence needed for the daily use and application of mathematics. In addition to daily instruction, activities and practice, instructors also make use of journals, projects, and class discussions to emphasize conceptual understanding and application over rote procedural memorization. The standard four-year mathematics plan includes Algebra 1 in 9th grade, Algebra 2 in 10th grade, Geometry in 11th grade, and Pre-Calculus in 12th grade. Students seeking to begin Calculus before they graduate, however, have the option to “double up” by taking two courses in a single year or enrolling in community college or AP mathematics courses.



Physical Science | Biology | Chemistry | Physics | Health


At the Lighthouse Christian Academy, we desire to train students to be people who love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength who work hard with skills to be a blessing to those who are around them. A significant portion of this training has to do with helping students to think critically and carefully. Science education is essential because it teaches students how to think and reason. It also helps students to understand the responsibility of proper stewardship. Through science, great advances in technology can be made for the betterment of mankind.  Students realize this potential and work to utilize science to help those around them and society at large. Science education is also beneficial because of the hands-on possibilities offered through laboratory exercises. We find that regular laboratory exercises augment the learning process and help to stimulate interest in the subject material.


Physical Science

Physical science is an introductory course designed for Freshmen.  It incorporates the basic elements of physics and chemistry such as understanding matter, measurements, mechanics, energy, simple machines, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, periodic motion/waves, sound, light/optics, the atom, elements and the Periodic Table.  Corresponding weekly lab work is included.



Biology is an introductory survey course designed for Sophomores.  Based on a non-evolutionary, Creationist paradigm, the survey includes topics such as cytology and cellular processes, genetics, biological classification, microbiology, fungi, botany, and zoology.  There is also extensive study on human anatomy and physiology including study of the digestive system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, the nervous system, the endocrine system, and the reproductive system.  Corresponding weekly lab work is included.



Chemistry focuses on the study of matter and requires a working knowledge of physical science and algebra I.  Typically, Juniors take this course.  The material covered in this course includes the basics of matter, mathematical methods, atomic structure, elements, chemical bonds, inorganic and organic nomenclature, chemical reactions, gases, water and solutions, thermodynamics and kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acids/bases/salts, oxidation-reduction, organic chemistry, biochemistry.  Corresponding weekly lab work is included.



Physics is a math-intensive course that forms the foundation for all science.  Pre-requisites for this course include algebra I and II, geometry, and physical science.  Typically Seniors take this course.  The material covered in this course includes measurements, one-dimensional kinematics, vectors and scalars, two-dimensional kinematics, dynamics, circular motion, applications of Newton’s Laws, work and energy, periodic motion, properties of matter, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, light/optics, and modern physics (briefly touching on relativity and quantum mechanics).  Corresponding weekly lab work is included.



In addition to Physical Science, all 9th grade students take a Health course in which they cover units in human development, body systems, nutrition, diseases, first aid, and drug abuse.



World History | United States History| Government | Economics


History is the study of what individuals consider to be important. People and events that are important is subjective and we stress this in our teaching of these disciplines. The question we want the student to answer is WHY is this important? In this way our curriculum is different from the study, memorize and regurgitate method. Our students learn to think and write papers. Furthermore, we use primary documents to teach these subjects. Documents that have changed our lives are studied by the students and then the ideas presented must be understood so that they can explain why it is important. This method of study has prepared our students for testing and the challenges they face in future educational institutions. We love to read. We encourage the students to learn speed-reading methods. Because our class sizes are small we are able to help individual students more effectively and provide tutors for those that need additional help.


Studying history from a Christian perspective allows us to use the most read book throughout all of history, the Bible. Instead of leaving out most of the most important facts, as the public system does, we still teach that Christopher Columbus wrote in his diary that,” I was moved by the Holy Spirit of God to sail.” George Washington said, “It is impossible to govern with God and the Bible.” Washington’s legacy is found in his will where he stated that he wanted on his grave stone this scripture, “Jesus said, I am the resurrection and the life he who believes in me will never die.” When we visit as a class Mt. Vernon, Washington’s home, the students are able to see this for themselves. We stress the hand of God in history. From Squanto, the instrument of God to save the Pilgrims to Martin Luther King, Jr. who was moved by God to seek modern day equality for all people, we study with history with God’s hand on people in mind.


We take the juniors and seniors on a trip every year alternating between Scotland and Washington DC. Both are historically rich in American and World History. It is here that history comes alive. Many of our students have gone on and become history majors at various universities and received teaching credentials. What a joy it has been to see our students now teaching history. We like to think of history as the most important subject of all, because it truly is, His story. Many students have testified that they didn’t like history but after studying here at the Lighthouse Christian Academy and visiting historical sites, for some it has become their favorite subject. The typical three-year history plan includes World History in 10th grade, U.S. History in 11th grade, and U.S. Government/Economics in 12th grade.



Bible classes are the foundation of a LCA education.  We teach Bible class from a discipleship perspective. Jesus said, “Follow me.” Jesus commissioned us to, “Go into all the world and make disciples.” And Paul said, “Imitate me.” The primary focus in teaching Bible to our students is encouraging students to follow the examples of the people in their lives that are following the life of Christ. This begins with their parents, teachers, fellow students, friends and others in their church. This approach has produced Bible classes that are practical, discipleship-based and integrated into the everyday workings of Christian life.  Students can learn about the Bible, worship, preaching, missions, and church operations while actually participating in the activities side-by-side with experienced teachers.  Our goal is to build not only Biblical knowledge but also the experience of a living relationship with Jesus Christ.


Bible classes are offered at flexible hours outside of the Core School Day.  LCA students must take a minimum of 5 units in Bible per semester but are free to choose from a number of different classes depending upon their interests and schedule.  Below is a list of some of the Bible classes that LCA offers.  To see an up-to-date catalogue of our Bible classes with course descriptions and schedules please contact the office at 310.829.2522 or

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